Why you need an ADHD-Friendly Re-Entry Plan and 3 Tips to Make Yours
Re-Entry Plans defined: a set of steps or processes used to re-enter something after being away. These are often used in the justice system when an individual re-enters the community after being released from prison. However, more recently re-entry plans were used in schools and offices when there was a return to in-person meetings after the pandemic shut-downs.
With ADHD-wired brains, we often need a re-entry plan after a break in our schedule. Depending on how your ADHD shows up, a break in schedule could mean identifying the next step you will complete once returning from a bathroom break, lunch, a day off, etc.
A more detailed plan is often needed when we return from a vacation, summer or winter break, and even after a regular weekend! For children who are navigating shared custody arrangements/dual households, a re-entry plan for returning to the alternate home can support the transitions with more ease.
Tips to Creating a Re-Entry Plan:
Identify what you can do BEFORE you transition away (from work, home, school, etc.) to make it easier to re-enter when you return. I will highlight this with an example of what I try to do before I leave for a vacation:
- Block time on the calendar to check email/messages.
- The first day back at work, I love having an hour or so before any meetings, appointments, etc. to get caught up on what came in while I was away.
- Write a note to my Future Self. I take 3-5 minutes to literally write a note to “Future Patty” before I leave. On my note, I list specific actions I need to take when I arrive back at my desk, such as:
- Check email and note any actions on daily to-do list;
- Identify priorities for the day;
- Record podcast on “Cruising with ADHD,” etc.
- Block time on the calendar to check email/messages.
- Set up bedroom to make it easier to unpack when you get home. One thing I know about myself is if my bed isn’t made, it can easily derail my plan to unpack as soon as I get home. A nice clear surface to unpack on is key for me to start unpacking. With that in mind, I try to follow these 3 steps before I leave for vacation:
- Make my bed with clean sheets (I LOVE coming home from a trip to find my bed made with clean sheets!)
- Put 2 empty laundry baskets on top of bed (to make it easy to start sorting the dirty laundry when I’m unpacking)
- IF I am really on my game, I love to pre-order groceries or a couple of meals to be delivered the morning after I return.
- Make an action list for when I get home (and leave it where I can’t miss seeing it!):
- Unpack: sort dirty clothes into laundry baskets on bed.
- Put away toiletries.
- Put away luggage.
- Throw in 1 load of laundry.
- Done! Relax and enjoy being home!
- Set up bedroom to make it easier to unpack when you get home. One thing I know about myself is if my bed isn’t made, it can easily derail my plan to unpack as soon as I get home. A nice clear surface to unpack on is key for me to start unpacking. With that in mind, I try to follow these 3 steps before I leave for vacation:
- RE-ENTRY PLAN (when back home):
- Follow Action List from #2
- Prioritize re-connecting to the “Big 3” foundational habits:
- Sleep- re-set alarm clock
- Exercise- Set out gym clothes before going to bed
- Diet- Buy sparkly breakfast food (to make it easier to get out of bed in the morning!)
Re-Entry Plan Prompts to Consider for YOUR Re-Entry Plan:
When writing your Re-Entry plan, I am sharing some prompts below that can help to pin down what would be most helpful for your “future self.”
- “Once home I plan to…”
- Example: unpack, take a nap, etc.
- “I will do these things to reconnect to my morning routine…”
- Example: layout workout clothes the night before, etc.
- “To ease back into my work schedule, I will…”
- Capture where I am leaving off and what the next steps are in a “Note to My Future Self”
- Do a 5 minute calendar check the day before I return to work (to settle my brain and confirm I don’t have an 8 am meeting!)
- Read my “Future Self” note
- “Before leaving for vacation (the weekend, etc.), I will…”
- Block time on my calendar to catch up on emails/messages, etc.
- Order meal delivery
- Make bed with clean sheets
- “Before visiting with family for the holidays, I will…”
- Identify my plan to manage sensory overload/overwhelm (ie, go fo a walk, etc.)
- Identify triggers and supportive responses (ex: aunt comments on clutter- I say, “Clutter isn’t a priority for me right now” or ask, “I know, I am at a loss for how to organize it. What tips do you have that might help?”
ADHD-Friendly Podcast
Finally, to hear more about this topic, I did a podcast episode focused on re-entry plans. You can find it at my YouTube Channel: ADHD Friendly Podcast (Episode #55: Why you need a Re-Entry Plan and Medicine Cabinet Check-Up):